The American Society of Golf Course Architects leads their June 2017 issue with highlights from SLRG’s Survey of the American Golfer, conducted for Click here to view the article. Concurrently, this marks the beginning of a partnership between SLRG and the ASGCA, as the association introduces a greater emphasis on providing their members and the golf industry with timely and actionable insights.
Representing a diverse membership of leading golf facility designers, builders and other facility stakeholders, the ASGCA focuses on new course development, course renovation and design, preserving the game, its traditions and its community connections. The ASGCA proudly supports industry initiatives including “We are Golf” and “Get Golf Ready” and collaborates with allied organizations such as the USGA, National Golf Course Owners Association and PGA of America. We will be working with ASGCA members and constituents to provide a variety of insights and trends on contemporary issues impacting golf course facility design, re-design, and renovation. Many readers of News and Views will receive an initial survey invitation, this week, with results and key findings to be presented at upcoming golf industry trade events, and highlighted in this newsletter and other golf media.
A study conducted for by Sports & Leisure Research Group shows positive signs for the golf industry. More committed golfers are playing more often, and they plan to increase play throughout 2017. Survey results follow…
Those surveyed were golfers who played at least 10 times in the past year, and just over half of respondents had a 10-20 handicap.
Other survey results of note:
- 76% played mostly on public courses
- 81% played as much or more golf over the previous year
- 96% expected to play as much or more golf this year than last year
- 41% find the idea of a nine-hole round appealing
- 49% favor stroke play when playing a casual match with friends (39% favor Match play [best ball])
- 73% do not enjoy playing golf alone
- 56% use golf carts
- 55% arrive at the course 30 minutes before tee time
- 36% find golf more inclusive and welcoming than it was a generation ago
- 23% say the putter is their favorite club in the bag
Additional survey questions included equipment purchase and use, what makes the game enjoyable and what may encourage greater participation.
The complete survey may be seen here.