Recent work with a resort client presented the challenge of eliciting projectible reactions to a website redesign from a large number of past guests across the country, without the luxury of face-to-face, directed exposure to the site. SLRG’s customized approach created a forced exposure exercise that mirrored the new website’s functionality directly into our online survey, so respondents could view the newly re-designed site, and navigate through specific elements that the client was particularly interested in assessing. By building the client’s website into our survey framework, we were able to get the respondents immediate and curated response. We were also able to track and capture the specific digital platform (computer, tablet or mobile phone) that respondents were using for the survey, thus allowing us to gap analyze response variations and validate the efficacy of the new site’s responsive design, which was particularly important for this client. The client wanted to assure a consistent experience agnostic to the device that guests were using. The study also allowed us to repeat the deployment of several attitudinal statements regarding the website, which had been carried over from a previous survey that we had conducted for the property, prior to the website re-design. This afforded us with the additional opportunity to compare results over time, and ascertain the direct impact of the redesign. The findings allowed the client to see what areas they excelled in, and areas that still needed improvement.
Contact us today, to learn about how a custom research program can optimize the effectiveness of your website.